To help you become further equipped to share your faith, here are a few FREE resources!
Thanks again for visiting us here at Handgelism. These downloadable resources are a collection of some of the best tips and tactics to learning how to effectively share and defend your faith.
Evangelism Tips PDF- Become more effective as an evangelist by learning how to ask the right questions, to the right people, at the right time! This resources provides you with questions to ask people from EVERY religion and world view.
Is the Bible Reliable? e-Book- Know with certainty that you can trust the Bible. Understandable and informative, this short e-book touches on and gives the answers to questions that every Christian should be ready to answer.
Uprising on Campus PDF- School Campuses are truly an untaped mission field in America. Here are a few excellent tactics to leveraging your time at School, for the sake of Christ. REACH your campus with the gospel message!
How do we know the Bible is true? PDF- This resource contains two simple acronyms to help you remember why the Bible is a trusted source. This resource will come in handy when you are sharing your faith and need to recall what you believe about the Bible.